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Monday, July 26, 2010
I'm still tempted
To release the surfboard code.... I mean if I just post it here with nobody looking do you think anyone would actually find it?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Colleen & Tsunami Waves
So how do you make a "wave" in SL anyway? Actually it's simple and I have no idea why people charge so much for it... anyway basically you are just creating a wave generator that rezzes a large megaprim surfboard set to go in one direction. And that's it! Oh and the "surfboard"/wave is temporary on rez so it only lasts for 20 seconds (which should be long enough to cross the sim as long as it is set to move quickly enough).
So I've created 2 waves - Colleen's cutesy fluffy, and the gigantic 30m high, 100m across Tsunami Wave. Neither wave is terribly easy to surf, but then why should they be!?
- Luscious
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
First LSD (Luscious Surf Design) surfboard created!
6/22/2010: The first LSD (Luscious Surf Design) surfboard is created!!
A new era is about to begin as within just a few hours, I wrote my first surfboard script. The difference is going to be how I present it. First and foremost I'm going to make this thing BAD ASS!!!! More tricks and more customization and all in real-time. The KICKER is going to be that I'm going to make the CODE VISIBLE FOR ALL TO SEE!!!! That's right! I'm going to make the scripts Copy/Trans. BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So anyone who wants to can open the script, read it, COPY IT, PASTE it into their own script, and do WHATEVER THE **** THEY WANT to it and SURF ON IT! And of course it will be FREE!!!! (Since copy/trans would mean as soon as one person had it, they could just copy/paste it into a notecard or email it and give it to somebody else.)
What does this mean? This means things like gesture designers writing poses for boards, new impossible tricks being developed, amazing designs of course, and abilities that surfboards have never seen before! In other words a surfboard without limits, welcome to the world of LSD UNLIMITED!
They've been lying to you surfers!!! You know who I'm talking about! Linden labs has had bugs, but the big problems were resolved quite awhile ago. The problem script functions now no longer need to be implemented discreetly and instead there is a juicy API (Application Programming Interface) which allows you to create surfboard like objects and let Linden Labs do the debugging. They have pulled the wool over your eyes surfers, and we're not going to take it anymore!! A revolution is brewing and its name is OPEN SOURCE SL SURFING!!
Everyone I've ever talked to says "we're not in this for the money"... So tell me you aren't lying, and release your code! If not, get ready to be attacked by a deluge of developers writing amazing mods and creating the next generation of surreal surfing!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monkey Cove Surfboard Design Contest
I know I'm NOT going to win this contest because the judges are going to look for a more conventional design, but I AM going to make a surfboard unlike anyone has EVER seen before and it will be more original and EXTRAordinary than every other board in the contest. They say they want something not "run of the mill" but ALL of the boards will be run of the mill because they are following rules!!! SCREW THE RULES!!!! I'm going to make a board using the the surfboard blanks provided, but I'm going to use them in ways they never thought of and probably won't comprehend. I don't care if I don't win the contest, I still know I will have made the most original and surreal surfboard design SL has ever seen.
- L
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Prim Bikinis!!!!

OMG!!!! Belack Zenovka gave me the landmark to these free PRIM bikinis!!! Can you say TEXTURE CITY!???!?!!? The 4 large parts of each bikini can *EACH* hold a 1024x1024 texture and scripts!!! *PLUS* they are modifiable so I each 4 of the large parts can actually have TWO 1024x1024 overlaided textures, one still and one animated or both animated for making AMAZING bikinis that are truly *alive*!!!
More pics can be found here:
Monday, May 3, 2010
Surf Towelies!!!
So my name is Luscious Starship who most of you (or none of you, since nobody in the right mind will read this) might just know as "Luscious" in SecondLife(SL). The surfing community in SL though very friendly and supportive somehow doesn't reach enough people I think. So to bring in the masses I think we need to expand in areas other than pure surfing that remind people how fun it is to go to the beach, and when a real beach isn't around, how much fun an SL beach can be. With that in mind I am now embarking on the first of possibly many surf beach objects, namely a Towelie! I'm not sure if a Towelie should be a pet or just a towel, but time will tell and I hope you're all here to watch!
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