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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Firestorm Graphics Settings

So I a few people have told me that the "Viewer 2 / Firestorm" experience is different for everyone, which I think it is because not everyone has the same graphics and/or computer hardware.  For those of you who have a graphics card that supports all of the features, here are screenshots of my Preferences settings which enable the features necessary to view shiny, reflective, realistic looking wave surfaces. :)

Firestorm Graphics Preferences Settings

Thursday, October 27, 2011

LSD Surfboard SecondLife Surf Lessons in Pictures

Here they are! Step by step still pictures from the Video explaining how to perform all those funny stunts you see!
- Lushy
LSD Surf Lessons Step by Step
Here's the original video:

First LSD Surfboard SecondLife surfing lesson hack job

So this is my first attempt to show how various surfing maneuvers are performed on the LSD surfboard.  I guess things in the video happen very quickly, so it will probably be next to impossible to keep up with the explanations of the moves without hitting the PAUSE button and without looking at it FULL SCREEN.  So you'll want to watch this in FULL SCREEN mode and then get your mouse ready to hit *PAUSE* a LOT during this video clip so you can read the lesson.   I'll also post still pictures soon from this video so you can more easily read the text. ;)

- Lush

Monday, October 24, 2011

SecondLife Mesh Wave Surfing at Night!

SecondLife Surfing at Night!! Here's what surfing a "moonlit" Mesh wave (actually self lit) at night looks like!   You know these blogs are getting pretty tasty.. I may soon need to blog an LSD Surf tutorial so I can explain how to use the LSD surfboard.. ;)